PLEASE NOTE: To protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, we are offering our clients the ability to meet with us by appointment only and by phone. Please call our office to discuss your options.

A Results-Driven Approach
to Solving Legal Problems

Estate Planning and Probate

Helping you create a stable future for your family.

Business Law

Addressing your concerns and providing you with the counsel you need to make effective and efficient decisions.

Franchising Law

Representing franchisers and franchisees in all aspects of franchising law.


We are experienced and aggressive advocates for our clients’ interests.

Creative solutions.
Creative Resolutions.

At Calton Hamman & Wolff, P.C., our experienced attorneys and staff understand the concerns and confusion often associated with complicated legal issues. With more than 60 years of total legal experience, we strive to provide creative and efficient resolutions for a number of legal concerns for residents and entrepreneurs throughout the Billings area.

Whether you have encountered complex business issues, require estate planning guidance in an effort to protect your family’s future, are interested in a franchising opportunity or need help with a real estate issue, our lawyers have the knowledge and experience needed to help you find resolutions.


On Your Side Throughout
The Entire Legal Process

Regardless of the practice area of your legal concerns, we take the time to understand your specific issues before offering informative advice that is tailored according to your situation. Our experienced and creative approach to your legal needs is designed to help you find resolutions as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, all in an effort to help you move forward.

Throughout our years in practice, we have successfully obtained favorable closure to countless challenging issues, giving us a reputation in the Billings area for offering detailed and creative legal guidance to every client we represent. Our work in the area and knowledge of area courts, judges and other lawyers give us the insight needed to offer you the most comprehensive and informative guidance possible throughout your proceedings.



Contact Us Today

Talk with an experienced lawyer about your case

To discuss your specific legal concerns and learn how we can be of assistance, please call us at 406-656-0900 or email our law office.

DISCLAIMER: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

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